TikTok is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms, with millions of users posting content daily. With so much content, it’s easy to follow a large number of creators in a short amount of time. However, as your following list grows, you may notice that your feed becomes cluttered with videos you no longer enjoy or find relevant. If you’re wondering how to unfollow on TikTok, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to unfollow users, explain how it can improve your feed, and discuss some strategies to manage your following list more effectively.

Why You May Want to Unfollow on TikTok

Before we dive into how to unfollow on TikTok, let’s consider why you might want to do it. Over time, the content you enjoy watching may change, and some accounts that you once found entertaining may no longer resonate with you. Additionally, following too many accounts can clutter your “Following” feed, making it harder to discover content that you truly care about.

Here are some reasons why people choose to unfollow users on TikTok:

  • Declutter your feed: Unfollowing accounts you no longer engage with helps reduce the number of unwanted videos in your feed, making it easier to enjoy content that aligns with your interests.
  • Change of interest: As your tastes evolve, you may no longer be interested in the content of certain creators, and unfollowing them can make your feed more enjoyable.
  • Privacy concerns: If you’re no longer comfortable with a specific account or no longer want to be associated with it, unfollowing is a good option.
  • Avoiding excessive content: Some creators post frequently, which can overwhelm your feed. If you’re seeing too many videos from one user, unfollowing may be a way to limit this.

Now, let’s get into how to unfollow on TikTok step by step.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Unfollow on TikTok

TikTok makes it easy to manage your following list. If you’re looking to clean up your feed, here’s how to unfollow on TikTok:

Step 1: Open the TikTok App

To start, open the TikTok app on your smartphone and log in to your account if you haven’t already.

Step 2: Go to the Profile of the User You Want to Unfollow

To unfollow a specific user, you need to visit their profile. You can do this in two ways:

  • If the user appears on your “Following” feed, tap on their profile photo or username to go directly to their profile.
  • Alternatively, tap on your profile in the bottom right corner, then tap “Following” to see a list of all the accounts you follow. Scroll through the list and tap on the user’s profile that you want to unfollow.

Step 3: Tap the “Following” Button

Once you’re on the user’s profile page, you’ll see a “Following” button next to their profile picture. This button is highlighted when you’re currently following the user. To unfollow them, simply tap the “Following” button, and it will change to “Follow”, indicating that you’ve successfully unfollowed the user.

Step 4: Confirm You Have Unfollowed

After tapping the “Following” button, check that it has changed to “Follow”. This confirms that you’ve unfollowed the user. You will no longer see their posts on your “Following” feed, but you can always refollow them later if you change your mind.

How to Unfollow Multiple Users on TikTok

If you’re looking to unfollow several accounts in one go, the process is equally simple but requires a bit of manual effort. Unfortunately, TikTok does not yet have a bulk unfollow option, so you’ll need to do it one at a time. Here’s how to unfollow on TikTok for multiple users:

Step 1: Go to Your Following List

Start by navigating to your profile. Once there, tap “Following” to see the list of all the accounts you currently follow.

Step 2: Unfollow Users from Your Following List

On your following list, you’ll see a “Following” button next to each user’s name. To unfollow someone, simply tap the “Following” button next to their username, and it will switch to “Follow”, indicating that you’ve successfully unfollowed them.

Step 3: Repeat for Multiple Accounts

Repeat this process for each user you want to unfollow. It may take some time, depending on how many users you follow, but this method is effective for cleaning up your following list.

Tips for Managing Your Following List on TikTok

Now that you know how to unfollow on TikTok, here are some additional tips for managing your following list to keep your feed relevant and enjoyable:

1. Regularly Review Your Following List

Take time every few weeks or months to review your following list. Unfollow accounts that no longer align with your interests or that you no longer engage with. This will help keep your feed focused on content that matters to you.

2. Follow Creators You Genuinely Enjoy

While TikTok’s algorithm is great at showing you popular content, be mindful of who you follow. Make sure the accounts you follow consistently post content you enjoy. This will keep your feed more tailored to your preferences.

3. Unfollow Overly Repetitive or Promotional Accounts

If a creator starts posting too much promotional content or if their videos become repetitive, it’s worth considering whether you still want to follow them. Unfollowing these accounts can declutter your feed and give space for new creators whose content you find more valuable.

4. Don’t Hesitate to Refollow Later

If you’re unsure about unfollowing someone, remember that it’s not permanent. You can always refollow a user later if you find their content interesting again. TikTok’s platform allows for easy refollowing with a single tap, so there’s no harm in cleaning up your list temporarily.

Why Unfollowing Can Improve Your TikTok Experience

Understanding how to unfollow on TikTok is essential, but why is it beneficial? Unfollowing can actually improve your experience on the platform in several ways:

  • Improved Content Quality: By unfollowing accounts that no longer interest you, your feed will be filled with higher-quality, more engaging content that you actually want to see.
  • Less Clutter: Following too many accounts can make your feed cluttered and harder to navigate. Unfollowing reduces noise and makes it easier to discover new and exciting creators.
  • More Relevant Recommendations: TikTok’s algorithm takes into account the accounts you follow to recommend videos. When you unfollow irrelevant accounts, you help TikTok refine its recommendations for you.

Conclusion: How to Unfollow on TikTok

Managing who you follow on TikTok is crucial to ensuring that your feed stays relevant and enjoyable. Knowing how to unfollow on TikTok is a simple process that can greatly improve your experience by decluttering your feed and making room for new content that aligns with your interests. Whether you’re looking to unfollow one account or multiple users, the steps are easy to follow, and the benefits of a more personalized feed are well worth the effort. So, take a moment to review your following list and start curating your TikTok experience today!


By Jules

I'm a digital native who's always been fascinated by the online world. From creating silly memes to building my own website, I've been exploring the internet's endless possibilities since I could first click a mouse.